A cooperative perception system for multiple UAVs: Application to automatic detection of forest fires

Luis Merino, Fernando Caballero and. J.R. Martinez-de Dios, Joaquin Ferruz, and Anibal Ollero. A cooperative perception system for multiple UAVs: Application to automatic detection of forest fires. Journal of Field Robotics, 23:165–184, 2006.




This paper presents a cooperative perception system for multiple heterogeneousUAVs. It considers different kind of sensors: infrared and visual cameras and fire detectors. Thesystem is based on a set of multipurpose low-level image-processing functions includingsegmentation, stabilization of sequences of images and geo-referencing, and it also involves datafusion algorithms for cooperative perception. It has been tested in field experiments that pursuedautonomous multi-UAV cooperative detection, monitoring and measurement of forest fires. Thispaper presents the overall architecture of the perception system, describes some of theimplemented cooperative perception techniques and shows experimental results on automaticforest fire detection and localization with cooperating UAVs.

BibTeX Entry

  author = {Luis Merino and Fernando Caballero and. J.R. Martinez-de Dios
	and Joaquin Ferruz and Anibal Ollero},
  title = {A cooperative perception system for multiple {UAV}s: Application to automatic detection of forest fires},
  journal = {Journal of Field Robotics},
  year = {2006},
  volume = {23},
  pages = {165--184},
   abstract={This paper presents a cooperative perception system for multiple heterogeneous
UAVs. It considers different kind of sensors: infrared and visual cameras and fire detectors. The
system is based on a set of multipurpose low-level image-processing functions including
segmentation, stabilization of sequences of images and geo-referencing, and it also involves data
fusion algorithms for cooperative perception. It has been tested in field experiments that pursued
autonomous multi-UAV cooperative detection, monitoring and measurement of forest fires. This
paper presents the overall architecture of the perception system, describes some of the
implemented cooperative perception techniques and shows experimental results on automatic
forest fire detection and localization with cooperating UAVs.},

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