S&T Promotion
- First Lego League, Seville, 2023
- European Researchers’ Night 2018
- European Researchers’ Night 2016
- Feria de la Ciencia 2016
- ICT 2015 exhibition of FROG robot
- European Researchers’ Night 2015
- Feria de la Ciencia 2015
- European Researchers’ Night 2014
- 2022, Our research on social robotics was covered by the Andalusian radio network Canal Sur.
- 2020, Our collaboration in the HUMAINT project of the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission was covered by the regional news in Canal Sur.
- 2019, Our group was covered by the Andalusian TV network 7TV.
- 2018, Our group was covered by the National News in TVE.
- 2018, The research activities of our group on social robotics were subject to a piece by the Spanish main newspaper, El País.
- 2016, Inverse entry on our work on radio-based localization with PAL Robotics
- 2016, Canal Sur TV TV report about the ECHORD++ EU Project
- 2016, Diario de Sevilla report on ECHORD++ EU Project
- 2016, ABC de Sevilla report on the TERESA project
- 2016, Saber Universidad, Reportage about Robotics in Andalusia
- 2016, Diario de Sevilla (main Seville newspaper), report on research carried out by my group
- 2014, Radio Nacional de España (public national Spanish radio broadcasting network), Radio Interview, FROG Project
- 2014, TF1, France, Le20h (prime time TV news program), TV report and interview about FROG Project
- 2014, Canal Sur TV (largest Andalusian TV broadcasting network), TV report about FROG
- 2013, EuropaPress, Spain, report about telepresence robots and the TERESA project
- 2012, Canal Sur Radio (largest Andalusian radio broadcasting network), Radio Interview about Social Robotics
- 2011, El Mundo, report on second participation iGEM competition at MIT
- 2010, El País (main Spanish newspaper), participation iGEM competition at MIT
- 2008, El Mundo, ABC, El Correo, Metro, news about Best Robotics Thesis Award in Spain
- 2008, Diario de Sevilla (main Seville newspaper) Interview about PhD Thesis Award