Autonomous Aerial Robot for High-Speed Search and Intercept Applications
Alejandro Rodriguez-Ramos, Adrian Alvarez-Fernandez Hriday Bavle, Javier Rodriguez-Vazquez, Liang Lu Miguel Fernandez-Cortizas, Ramon A. Suarez Fernandez, Alberto Rodelgo, Carlos Santos, Martin Molina, Luis Merino, Fernando Caballero, and Pascual Campoy. Autonomous Aerial Robot for High-Speed Search and Intercept Applications. Field Robotics, 2():1320–1350, 2022.
BibTeX Entry
@article {fr22mbzirc-2, author = {Alejandro Rodriguez-Ramos and Adrian Alvarez-Fernandez Hriday Bavle and Javier Rodriguez-Vazquez and Liang Lu Miguel Fernandez-Cortizas and Ramon A. Suarez Fernandez and Alberto Rodelgo and Carlos Santos and Martin Molina and Luis Merino and Fernando Caballero and Pascual Campoy}, title = {Autonomous Aerial Robot for High-Speed Search and Intercept Applications}, journal = {Field Robotics}, volume = {2}, number = {}, issn = {2771-3989}, pages = {1320-1350}, year = {2022}, }
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